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in time和on time的区别有哪些

  • 2024-09-27 11:30:21
导读 in time的意思是及时,例如:He comes here in time.他及时到达了这里。on time的意思为准时,例如:I got here on time.我准时...

in time的意思是及时,例如:He comes here in time.他及时到达了这里。on time的意思为准时,例如:I got here on time.我准时到达了这里。

in time的意思和用法

(1)In time:英文句子结构是——in time+动词或某些情況,例句:

①If you keep on collection, in time you'll have a wealth of data.只要你注意搜集,久而久之,资料就丰富了。

②We were just in time for the bus. 我们刚好赶上那班公共汽车。

(2)相当于Just in time, 意思是刚好、正好、恰好准时,例句:

①I hope you'll remit me the money in time. 我希望你能及时把钱汇寄给我。

②You are expected to finish it in time. 希望你及时把它完成。

on time的意思和用法

(1)On time:一般用在句子后或最后两个字。On time的用词是当一件事准时发生,事情是按计划而发生的,例如︰

①We can certainly have the job finished on time. 我们肯定能按时完成任务。

②You must be there on time. 你务必要按时到达那里。

(2)On time的反义词是late(迟到),例如:

①Be on time. Don’t be late. 要准时,別迟到。
